My Israel ישראל שלי

A Series of Children’s videos

Due to insufficient demand for the My Israel virtual tours for kids, I have taken the decision to release some of the videos as a series of short shows aimed at kids from pre-school to first grade on my ScoutIsrael Youtube Channel.

These videos will be a light-hearted video ‘trip’ to see something that kids’ will find fun. We start the first video with a Jerusalem nature reserve called “Gazelle Valley”! We learn about the family groups in which Gazelles live in. We also learn about Moorhens. Here is the video:

It was great fun making this video as it was all filmed on a number of days out with my family.

I am focusing on my videos because of the temporary stop in worldwide tourism due to the COVID-19 crisis. Please support my channel and my podcasts by clicking on either the Ko-Fi button or Patreon button.

Family Tour – Judean Foothills

A hands on educational experience for all the family

Tel Socho also known as “Lupine Hill”

The “Shfeila” or Judean Foothills is the area between the Jerusalem Hills and the Coastal Plain. It has been the battlefield of Judea for more than 2000 years. The soft chalk hills crowned with grassy meadows are a perfect home for many plants and animals. Join me on a fun family adventure, exploring the Foothills of Judea.


  • Nature Walk in Tel Soho (pictured above). The first part of the David and Goliath Story. In the spring the best place to view flowering Lupines.
  • Dramatic Enactment of David and Goliath at Tel Azeikah.  Bringing the Bible and archaeology to life at a classic archaeological site.


Khirbet Midras Bar Kochba Caves

  • Crawl the Bar Kochba Caves.  A system of crawl caves where Judeans held out against the forces of Roman Emperor Hadrian.
  • Lunch in area

  • Underground Adventure at the Soreq Stalactite caves.
  • Animals and The Bible explore the nature in the Holy Land at the Biblical Museum of Natural History.

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Chanukah Old City Scavenger Hunt


Looking for something fun to do with the kids?

I am running a Jewish Quarter Scavenger hunt for all the family!

Where? Meeting Point Jaffa Gate, next to the tourist information center look for a guy holding a placard.

When? Thursday November 10th, 10:00 am – 1pm

How Much? 20 shekels per child, accompanying adults go free. (Unaccompanied adults do not go free)

Mystery Star Prize (edible)

Age Range: 4-7, 8 – 12, 13 – 15. (different tasks will be given to different ages)


10:00-10:30 Introduction, formation of teams, rules

10:30-12 scavenger hunt

12-12:30 Sharing our findings

12:30-1 giving out of prizes

The Rules

  1. ALL children must be accompanied by an adult.
  2. We split into groups based on how many people turn up
  3. Lists will be handed out of things you have to acquire, this can mean you physically take that item or you photograph it / bring proof that you found the item.
  4. Upon completion of all the list return with your list to the designated meeting point.
  5. The first group back with a completed list wins.
  6. All adults will be given a map and clearly demarcated boundaries are asked NOT to wander beyond those boundaries for safety reasons.

For more information email: